From fat to fierce...


I feel INSPIRED tonight to make a change. I don't know if it's my vanity, my passion for fashion, or my dedication to healthy living, I really feel like I want to get serious about my perfect weight. I rediscovered this Oxygen Fat Loss magazine that I had originally bought in January, but didn't read it because I was having a tough time. I found it tonight in my cleaning/organizing frenzy, and began to read it. The articles are amazing.

I know that the ONLY person that can lose my weight is ME. No pill or crazy fad diet is going to dissolve my fat. I must eat clean, do lots of cardio and weight train. It's as simple as that. This isn't a "diet" - it's a serious commitment to a lifestyle change. I want Adair to work on this with me. I think it will be encouraging to do it together.

I need to plan my meals. I need to get some good, whole, healthy foods. I need a cooler to pack my food daily. I need to run every morning - rain or shine - no matter what. I need to go to the gym 4 days a week to weight train. I need my personal trainer! I need get enough sleep. I need to believe in myself.

I always wonder why I continue to perpetuate this problem. I've been on a diet since I was eight years old. I know that the Secret teaches that I must get "weight loss" out of my head, or else I will attract having to lose more weight. The Secret instructs that true "weight loss" comes through the creative process (ask, believe, receive) and focusing on our perfect weight.

I thought my perfect weight was 130lbs, but I secretly know that my perfect weight is much lower (like 110-115 lbs). I think achieving this perfect weight is an exciting challenge. What a brilliant accomplishment it will be when I will achieve this perfect weight. I'm totally exhilarated by my dedication to my perfect weight.

I'm excited to receive my perfect weight because I will free myelf from the daily drama/anxiety/depression/obsession that is involved in my overweight experience. I also want the freedom to wear gorgeous clothing and look FIERCE in them! It's on now!! Perfect weight - here I come!


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