So here I am - about 20 mins before going into the O.R.
I was SO thrilled to be having a c-section. I've heard the horror stories, but seriously...compared to my other option, the c-section seemed like a piece of cake. And it was. I had amazing doctors, my husband by my side, a clear mind, no pain, and NO NERVE DAMAGE! Take that, femoral neuropathy!
The actual procedure was about a half hour, and then I was taken to a recovery room for an hour where my amazing mom was waiting. Adair went off to call/text family and friends our good news, and my mom and I were able to bond with Little A. She took to nursing straight away - she's a hungry girl like her mom!
We settled nicely into our room in the maternity ward. There was a waitlist for a private room, so we shared with a very nice family. They didn't arrive till about 10pm, so we had the room to ourselves for quite some time. My family came to visit. My mom and sister each brought the most gorgeous flowers - lovely Holiday bouquets - so fresh and modern.
Little A's first night went well. I held her all night long - I couldn't bear to put her in the little crib. She nursed and we hung out together all night :)
Saturday went really well too. Both of us were doing really well {apart from me passing out from trying to do too much!}, so I was hopeful we'd go home sometime on Sunday. I had a shower and washed my hair on Saturday night, and started to feel like a new woman! Then, late Saturday night, I got the ok to eat, so having Timmy's soup and a sandwich in my belly gave me such energy. I felt amazing!
Like I mentioned in my previous post, EZ really took to Little A. He was a bit apprehensive at first {especially because he's just 23 months old!}, but soon enough, he came to adore her. "My baby", he calls her, as he pats her head and touches her nose.
Sunday morning came. I did my hair, make-up, put on real clothes, and by 10am when the doctor came to see me, he said I looked great and I was able to go home. I was SO excited. Less than 48 hours before, I hadn't even delivered. This was a true blessing.
So home we went.
My mom spent the afternoon with us as we settled into our new life with our newest addition. We cuddled, nursed, relaxed and were in awe of how easy this delivery and recovery was going. My sister and her family brought dinner over and we spent the evening trimming the Christmas tree.