So - 5 days into the new year and I'm doing well so far. I feel better and I feel better about myself - despite eating 1/2 a pie tonight! On the whole, I'm pleased so far.
While raq-in' out today at class, my teacher told me that I could dance with more passion. I AGREE! My everyday life is so restricted and refined with rules, decorum, and stiffness - it's challenging for me to dance with reckless abandon while still balancing perfect technique. I think my technique and articulation has strengthened to the point where I need to punch my dance up with passion and JUICE! I want to make my moves more luscious and grand. I want to pepper my dance with drama and glamour. Adding all the passion will burn more calories, so it's a win/win :-)
This is a VERY big week for me. I need to have GAME this week. I need to focus on the future and continue to make myself a priority. I need to know that I have done my very best. I need to live a more JUICY life!
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