Sick Family Sunday or Water{colours} for Ezra


 So on Saturday, both my kids started having cold symptoms. It's so sad because there's nothing they can take to feel better. Luckily, neither has a fever or anything, just stuffy, runny noses, sneezes and infrequent coughs. But this is enough, of course, to stay home from Church because EZ couldn't go to nursery anyway.  

I stayed home with the munchkins. Kidlets need their mummy when they are sick.  Neither EZ or Little A are actually sick enough to divert from their regular routine, so they both are full of energy! So I decided to channel EZ's enthusiasm and energy into art.  I introduced him to watercolours - and he loved it!

He actually spent 45 mins painting, which was a wonderful distraction from coughing and sneezing. He's actually pretty good at it. I'm quite sure it comes from my side of the family :)


Ninon February 8, 2011 at 10:41 AM  

Obviously the tongue is required for true artistic talent to show through!

So cute!

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