I'm feeling miserable and that needs to change


My nerve injury is driving me crazy. I'm a girl-on-the-go so I cannot STAND that I CANNOT STAND! Well, I know I can sorta stand, I just can't walk steady or exercise or dance. No cardio = no fat loss. And I need to LOSE WEIGHT! I can't live this way and there's nothing I can do about it. I cannot control my compressed nerve.

I need to DO SOMETHING about my weight. I'm going to join WW I think. It's the most sensible weight loss program out there. I need to do something structured but not restrictive. I don't know whether to go to the meetings or to do it online. It's hard too because I'm not being supported at home for my weight loss journey. I have to do this on my own - so maybe I should go to the meetings. I'm just worried that it may be easy to miss meetings w/ EZ as an excuse. I don't want to make anymore excuses.

I hope the weather will stay warm this week so I can go for walks with EZ. I hope that will make me feel better too. I just gotta keep ACTIVE and POSITIVE.

Another thing that will help me feel better about myself is taking care of myself - doing hair & makeup, wearing nice clothes, always having my nails done etc. These things always inspire me to stay positive and have a positive body image.


spart May 25, 2009 at 11:42 AM  

You are saying all the things that I am thinking in my head.

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