Mantras to inspire


When I'm losing weight, I use phrases {or mantras} to help inspire me to persevere. Here are a few of my favourites:

Fat and happy is a LIE.
You have to be uncomfortable to change.
I am an athlete in training
I am worth the effort it takes to be successful.
I am a food snob. I only eat wholesome, good, real food. Nothing processed. Yuck.
Nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.
Believe it. Be it.
Eat clean.
Think yourself thin.
I deserve to be free from my weight obsession.


Mummy Shredhead


I've been horribly lax in up-keeping this blog. Probably because I'm embarassed that I haven't really been sticking to the MFC. Not that it's any excuse, but I've been busy and stressed with the house sale. Oh, and being a new mum is a challenge too. Nonetheless, I know it's so important to value myself, and make myself a priority.

So today I started Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd. Whoa! What a workout! Jillian is, of course, known for her no-nonsense approach to exercise and weightloss on "The Biggest Loser", but in this dvd, her toughness is perfectly balanced with encouragement. Just when I felt like turning off the dvd, she would say things to inspire me to finish. Now let's be serious, it's only a 20 min dvd, but it is jam-packed - no breaks allowed! EZ watched me from his Bumbo during my workout. He giggled, while I grunted and panted! So supportive!

Today is a busy day. Lots to do. As part of the MFC, my goal is to keep ACTIVE. EZ and I will likely go for another walk today. I think it's supposed to be really nice out. We also have a reading class ;) So I should probably grab a bite of brekkie before we get on with our day.

I promise to keep in touch with my progress. I know that there will be successes to gloat about! ;)


We bought a new house!


After a couple of days of rigorous negotiations, we finally got our house! So excited to move into this big, gorgeous house! Yay!!!


Update..belly laughs & all


Since my computer's been @ BestBuy for the last two months, I've avoided blogging. I don't know why, I just didn't feel comfortable on my loaner computer. I was SO grateful to have it, but it just didn't feel like me - well, because it wasn't.

I got my computer back tonight! So excited! More blogging for you! Yay!

Well, what else is new? hmmmm... Our house is officially sold - the sold sign is on the house. It's a done deal and it feels so good.

EZ has started to laugh. Not just his cute cooing, but really laughing - belly laughs. It's priceless. He usually smiles when he sleeps, but Adair told me that when he left for work this morning, Ezra was smiling and giggling, while sleeping. How cute is that?!?!?

It's hard to believe that it was one year ago today that I found out I was pregnant. Now I have this cute little person with a big personality, full of sweetness and belly laughs, in my life. We are so blessed.

This past Saturday, Adair organized a birthday party for me @ Oliver & Bonacini's. We had about 25 people there and it was so nice to see so many of my friends and family. Good food + good friends = GREAT TIMES!

Also, this past weekend I attend an amazing workshop by the FABULOUS Jim Boz. It was inspiring and challenging workshop. He's an amazing dancer, full of passion and energy for bellydance. Thank you Jim for inspiring me to be a better dancer!

So with our sold house, we need to look for a new house. This is the fun part! We're having a blast going through open houses and viewings. It's an awesome feeling to have your house SOLD & looking for a new house. You feel so powerful! I love it. It's not just a dream anymore - we're going to have a new house!!!

Well, that's my update. I need to look for my camera. It's seems to have gone missing since we moved. I'm sure it will turn up. I need to take more pics of my growing boy. I think he's about 15 lbs now. Life just keeps getting better!


Mummy Maggie's Shopping Inspiration for Today



Our house is SOLD


After just over 2 weeks, our house sold!! We're SO thrilled that in this tough real estate market our home sold so quickly! The process was relatively easy. The negotiations were stressful, but quick, and we did VERY well (better than we expected anyway). We signed all the paperwork last night, so now everything should finalize later this week.

Our next adventure is going to be finding our new home. So exciting!!! I heart MLS!


It's my....


Birthday today!!! I am 30 for the 1st time. Or is it 29 - the reprise?


Hope Blooms



Rain, Rain Go Away

Mummy & Ezra want to go out to play...

...or at least buy these cute wellies!

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