EZ. Hair cut #2.


Yesterday we took EZ for his 2nd haircut ever.  I don't know why, but I have a hard time cutting the little guy's hair.  I guess I know that his window for hair will be short, so we might as well make the most of it while it's here.  Hair today, gone tomorrow, right?

Anyway...after the knots and tangles, I decided to put EZ's need for cool hair before my own need to hold onto his hair - so we got his hair did at the kid's salon again.  And he sat in the red Lightning McQueen chair again. This time the stylist played the Toy Story DVD too.  He loved that! He seemed to enjoy the experience overall, although these photos don't really show that :)
Mummy, what are you doing to me? Why is she touching my hair?

Mummy, how are you letting this happen?!
So far, so good.

Ok, you got the clippers out now? What did Mummy get me into?!

We asked him to say "CHEESE!" - this was his smile. Cheese is right!

I ended up getting suckered into buying EZ some hair product - Tuff Stuff - to make his hair spikey. Not that the stylist was pushy, but Mummy's a pushover for cuteness and loves spending $15 on children's ec-friendly hair styling products. It has essential oils, how can I say no?


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