A Day in the life...Monday re-cap


I woke up to the most wonderful sound this morning. Well, yes, my babe was gurgling happily, but that's not it. At the crack of 9am, my garage door was opening - the cleaning lady had arrived - YAY! It's so wonderful to have someone clean the house. I do not enjoy house cleaning, but I insist on a very clean house. Spotless, no messes. I just don't want to do it myself. I am so grateful for our cleaning lady. I hope we don't have to break up when we move.

After she cleaned my room and bathroom, I had a shower while Ezra had a little snooze. Then we were off to "Mommy & Me Pilates." It was our 1st class today. The instructor is one of those "hot moms" with an amazing, fat-free, Pilates body. Her agility was remarkable. It was challenging to keep up ;(, especially with my bum leg. The biggest challenge, however, was not manipulating my chubby body, but making sure Ezra didn't have a major meltdown. Every mummy had 2 mats, one for her and one for baby. We could do some of the movements with the baby to engage them in our exercise. Ezra seemed to enjoy it for the most part, but sadly, did have a big meltdown in the "ab section" of our workout. What a sense of timing, eh?

After class, we had an hour before our reading class started so we went to Grandad's for lunch. Ezra was especially cute and on his best behaviour. It was wonderful to spend time with Grandad!

Our reading class was good, although Ezra hid in his sling the whole time, either feeding or sleeping. I sang all the little songs for him, but he just did his own thing today.

The rest of the day was spent playing at home with his new exersaucer (a lucky garage sale find!) and Bumbo, napping, and surfing the net looking for quality childcare. While Ezra was napping, I also had a lovely chat with a good mummy friend. Thanks Xtina!

Regarding childcare, it's amazing how hard it is to find good, affordable help. Not many people will take little EZ because of his age. They just don't know how cute he is yet. I did speak to a great woman today who will take him in the fall. She sounds lovely and we're going to meet her in late May or early June. We're contemplating a live-in nanny, but may not make sense financially for just one child. I know things always work out for the best, but it's frustrating for impatient me not having every detail worked out.

Adair is home now, making dinner, and playing with Ezra. I have my bellydance class and rehearsal. What a busy day. Tomorrow we're headed downtown, so that should be a fun day too!!


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